Looking for a presenter or workshop facilitator on topics based around oshunality, sexuality … etc…?

I’d love to be of service. Contact me to discuss booking.

Sample presentations from the past are included below for reference.

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World Association for Sexual Health Conference: Osunality for Sexuality Educators, Clinicians, Researchers and Advocates

Osunality is an empowering, post-colonial, sex-positive/critical, African-centered paradigm. Osunality supports diversity in sensuality and eroticism, inclusive of all forms of sexual pleasure (Nzegwu, 2010). Osunality education can inspire students to think critically, increase understanding of post-colonial sexualities, African sexosophy, non-phallocentric views of sex and empowering views of ethnic female genital modifications (EFGM) or “sculpting the erotic body.” The purpose of this research and osunality education is to increase sexual multiepistemic literacy. In other words, the purpose is to make available multiple ways of understanding knowledge and interpretations of topics surrounding sexualities.

 (Auto)ethnographic data were collected in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, through direct observation of a ceremony for Oxum, and through reflections on 11 interviews with practitioners of Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion.The decolonizing autoethnography (Diversi & Moreia, 2009) methodology was used in order to address the specific issues surrounding negative effects of colonialism relating to sexuality. This approach to research seeks to describe and systematically analyze personal experience in order to understand cultural experience.

 The results of this decolonizing autoethnography are summarized through the process of auto-sexual-decolonization, or the utilization of self-love (autosexuality) to undo negative effects of colonialism which go through the following phases: (a) recognition (b) deconstruction and reconstruction (c) sexual decolonization (d) sexual praxis (e) empowerment (f) rebirth and (g) spiritualities. Ọ̀ṣunality served as a catalyst for emancipation from the bondage of cisheteropatriarchy and inspired sensual liberation. Implications of the findings include increased awareness of sexual colonialism, sexual decolonization, non-phallocentric views of “sex,” and autosexuality. Sexual pluralism without hierarchy can celebrate the diversity of sexual knowledge, without privileging one kind of knowledge system above another or asserting that one perspective is more valid than another. 

Recommendations for sexuality clinician, educators and researchers include suggestions to decolonize their respected fields in order to ensure epistemic justice and diversity.  

Keywords: Sexuality, Sensuality, Post-colonial

Goddard College Undergraduate Sexuality Studies Program: Decolonial SAR (Sexual Attitude Reassessment/Restructuring)

The Decolonial Sexual Attitude Reassessment (D-SAR) is a highly provocative, experiential, cognitive and affective experience that is designed to push comfort levels, elicit feelings and confront attitudes, beliefs and values about sexuality. Presentations can encompass media, (including contemporary film, television and art), along with presentations and panels of live speakers/demonstrations showing the potential range of human sexual expression. A SAR enables the participant to move emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and psychologically into a zone of greater knowing, acceptance, and tolerance of human sexuality in all of its possible dimensions.


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Sex Down South Conference: Non-Phallocentric Views of Sex

The definition of sex does not need to revolve around a penis. Sex does not have to be limited by phallocentrism, gynocentrism, clitocentrism, and anthropocentrism.   Sex does not even need to involve a penis or a vagina. Sex does not have to be limited to involving other humans. Conceptualizing sex as a whole body experience is key to expanding eroticism beyond the genitals. Genitals are not the only sex organs available to make love with.  When one is open to beauty and pleasure in diverse forms, embodied knowledge can be the source of sensual experiences. For example, ecosexuals can experience sex without humans or the involvement of genitals. This workshop seeks to increase awareness of non-phallocentric views of sex through Ọ̀ṣunality, a sex-positive, African-centered paradigm that affirms the normality of sexual pleasure and erotic diversity.  Ọ̀ṣunality provides a non-phallocentric narrative of "the devouring vagina" which assigns agency to the vagina and reminds us that sex does not have to be confined to Westocentric definitions.

(1) By the end of the workshop,  participants will be able to name 3 non-phallocentric views of sex. (2) By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to list 3 other sex organs besides the genitals and brain.

Guelph Sexuality Conference of Canada: Decolonizing Pain Workshop

The purpose of this presentation is to increase awareness of diverse perspectives available to interpret pain and sexual ontology by highlighting empowering narratives guided by African sexosophy. Attendees can participate through interactive discussions and time allocated fro questions and answers. attendees will be exposed to decolonial sexuality information and non-western narratives of pain as well as gender and sexuality resources and highlight perspective of the African Diaspora.

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SSSS (The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality) Conference: Decolonizing Autoethnography for Sexual Science

Emancipatory research methodologies such as the decolonizing autoethnographic research method can be used as a revolutionary sexual science. Decolonizing autoethnographic method was used to better understand multiple sexual knowledge systems outside western frameworks. Decolonizing research modalities “resist universalized knowledge, critique Euro-Western research approaches, and invoke indigenous knowledge systems of the colonized Other to inform research methodologies that are inclusive of all knowledge systems and respectful of the researched” (Chilisa, 2012, p.24). The purpose of this decolonizing autoethnographic study was to increase sexual “multiepistemic literacy” (Kuokkanean, 2007, p. 57). In other words, the purpose is to make available multiple ways of understanding knowledge and interpretations of issues surrounding sexualities. Cultural sexologist will share how zie used decolonizing autoethnographic research methods to explore Ọ̀ṣunality. Ọ̀ṣunality is an empowering, post-colonial, sex-positive, African-centered paradigm. Ọ̀ṣunality supports diversity in sensuality and eroticism, inclusive of all forms of sexual pleasure (Nzegwu, 2010). There is growing evidence that social and sexual science research “needs emancipation from hearing only the voices of Western Europe, emancipation from generations of silence, and emancipation from seeing the world in one color” (Guba & Lincoln, 2005, p.212). This issue can be resolved by incorporating decolonizing research methodologies and topics of inquiry.